Organ Cave, Ronceverte, West Virginia

05/15-16/04 Dan, Steve, and Greg

Gearing Up Prior to Start

Waterfall Room

Greg in The Sump

Steve in The Sump

The Sump Detail

Dan in The Sump

The Sump Detail

The Sump Detail

The Sump Detail

The Sump Detail

The Sump Detail

Dan in The Sump

The Sump Detail

The Sump Detail

Straddling The Sump Detail

Steve in The Sump

The Sump Detail

Steve in The Sump

Dan in The Sump

The Sump Detail

The Sump Creek

The Sump Detail

The Sump Detail

Changing Headlap Batteries in the Sump

Greg Climbing out of the Sump

Greg Climbing out of the Sump

Dan Climbing out of the Sump

Steve on way to Handley Room

Greg on way to Handley Room

Steve on way to Handley Room

Steve in the Fun Room


Greg Crossing Knife Rock

No it Doesnt Hole

No it Doesnt Hole with Dan in it

Greg Climbing over Recruiter Hole

Greg grinding pack

Greg Chimneying Down After Little Straddle

Dan After Little Straddle

Steve Over Little Straddle

Steve chimneying down Little Straddle

Steve lowering pack down Little Straddle

Cave Exit

Immediately Post Trip

Office and Giftshop

Steve and Dan back in Charlottesville

Greg and Dan back in Charlottesville