Summit 14,156ft
Mount Shasta 07/29/03

07-28-03 0602 Near Dawn

07-28-03 0612 Dan Taking a breather

07-28-03 0613 Casaval at 0613

07-28-03 0613 Looking Down Avalance Gultch

07-28-03 0613 Stein and Dan striking a pose

07-28-03 0613 Stein Taking a breather

07-28-03 0629 Dan climbing

07-28-03 0631 Greg enjoying a break

07-28-03 0748 Greg just below Red Banks

07-28-03 0749 Greg quite psyched just below Red Banks

07-28-03 0749 Looking Down the Gulch from just below Red Banks - Dan is the second figure

07-28-03 0817 Greg slacking on the far side of Red Banks

07-28-03 0817 Stein self portrait on the Red Banks

07-28-03 0818 Climbing Buddy Larry in front of Glacier and crevasse

07-28-03 0818 Stein self portrait on the Red Banks

07-28-03 0844 Dan resting at the Red Banks

07-28-03 0844 Greg Dan and Larry with Konwakiton Glacier in background

07-28-03 0846 Greg and Larry about to negotiate the ice bridge over Konwakiton bergschrund

07-28-03 0908 Greg with Thumb Rock and the Red Banks in Background

07-28-03 0908 Stein looking strong on Misery Hill

07-28-03 1004 Larry Climbing up Misery Hill

07-28-03 1005 Dan on the Plateau

07-28-03 1005 Glacier and Crevasse Detail from the Plateau

07-28-03 1005 Shastina from the Plateau

07-28-03 1006 Greg on the Plateau with Summit in sight II

07-28-03 1006 Greg on the Plateau with Summit in sight

07-28-03 1011 Stein on the Plateau with Summit in sight II

07-28-03 1011 Stein on the Plateau with Summit in sight

07-28-03 1040 Stein on lower west summit from true east summit

07-28-03 1041 North view from summit

07-28-03 1041 South view from summit

07-28-03 1041 Southeast view from summit

07-28-03 1049 Stein on west summit

07-28-03 1054 Shastina from west summit

07-28-03 1055 Stein from west summit with Shastina and Whitney Glacier in background

07-28-03 1056 Whitney Glacier Icefall detail

07-28-03 1057 Stein on west summit

07-28-03 1057 View approximately north from west summit

07-28-03 1059 Greg holding his nose on sulfer smelling west summit

07-28-03 1059 Greg on west summit with Shastina in background

07-28-03 1100 Greg on west summit in landscape

07-28-03 1100 Greg on west summit in portrait

07-28-03 1101 Larry on east summit

07-28-03 1102 boot prints in sulfer mud on west summit

07-28-03 1102 sulfer rich rocks and dirt on west summit

07-28-03 1104 Stein and Larry on true east summit

07-28-03 1110 Greg on summit

07-28-03 1111 Greg on summit II

07-28-03 1111 Greg on summit

07-28-03 1113 Dan climbing summit hill

07-28-03 1114 Dan climbing summit hill

07-28-03 1116 Dan climbing summit hill

07-28-03 1123 Dan on summit II

07-28-03 1123 Dan on summit

07-28-03 1123 Stein slacking on summit near registry book

07-28-03 1126 Gregs scribbles in registry book

07-28-03 1126 Stein and Dan slacking on summit near registry book

07-28-03 1135 Stein Dan and Greg on summit I

07-28-03 1135 Stein Dan and Greg on summit II

07-28-03 1135 Stein Dan and Greg on summit III

07-28-03 1145 Stein and Dan

07-28-03 1204 remains of 1878 summit monument which collapsed in 1903

07-28-03 1204 summit hill from below

07-28-03 1523 back at Helen Lake I

07-28-03 1523 back at Helen Lake II

07-28-03 1718 Snow Spider

07-28-03 1719 Dan and Stein breaking camp

07-28-03 1719 Snow Spider

07-28-03 1721 Casaval from Helen Lake I

07-28-03 1721 Casaval from Helen Lake II

07-28-03 1721 Lots of tents at Helen lake on Monday night - after only 3 on Sunday night right side of tent area

07-28-03 1721 Lots of tents at Helen lake on Monday night - after only 3 on Sunday night