Prince William National Forrest, Virginia 08-19-06

Dan Lucier and Greg Scharer
on the PWNF

†Dan at 1st falls on South Valley Trail


†More Mushrooms

‡Greg on a rock

†Dan with Paw Paw

†Paw Paw Detail


†Another South Fork Falls

†Dan in reflection

†Morning Glory

†Dan through a bridge

†View from the bridge

†Rickety bridge

†Cedar runners ground cover

†Dan searching for pitch wood

‡Greg with the flowers

†Dan in the ferns

†Trail spider

†View north from Quantico Falls

†Dan with his extended family at Quantico Falls


†Pyrite mine ruins

†Ruins detail

†Slacking at the pyrite mine

†Pyrite mine sign

†Last hill

† Greg Scharer Photographer

‡ Dan Lucier Photographer