Erik, Stein, and Nicholas swimming |
 Swimmers |
 Nicholas diving |
 Nicholas swimming |
 Nicholas detail |
 Stein and Erik |
 Camp above "Dummons" (Crawfish) hunting ground |
 Nicholas swimming |
 Getting out of the water |
 Evening view to the east |
 Stein and Erik climbing dam |
 Erik and Greg |
 Leech! |
 Leech detail |
 Erik removing leech |
 Erik removing leech |
 Nicholas, Erik, and Stein working on the fire |
 Head wound |
 Erik and Nicholas checking out the fire |
 Playing by the fire |
 Corn on the fire |
 Tending the corn |
 Nicholas eating corn |
 Nicholas eating corn |
 Nicholas eating corn |
 Stein and Erik getting hotdogs ready |
 Cooking hotdogs |
 Cooking hotdogs |
 Nicholas eating hotdog |
 Erik eating hotdog |
 Erik's tongue |
 Erik is still hungry |
 Campfire pizza |
 Eating around the fire |
 Nicholas ready for bed |
 Nicholas looking sleepy 1st thing in the morning |
 Erik and Stein checking out ants on the marshmellows |
 Erik and Stein |
 Nicholas peeking out of tent |
 Acrobatic cantaloupe eating |
 Acrobatic cantaloupe eating |
 Acrobatic cantaloupe eating |
 Acrobatic cantaloupe eating |
 Wrestling boys |
 Erik and Katydid |
 Erik and Katydid |
 Katydid Detail |
 Lake view |
 Breaking camp |
 Erik and Katydid |
 Nicholas resting |
 Erik shaking tent |
 Nicholas and Stein shaking tent |
 Tape job |
 Back in civilization |